Sport Events 2016/17
Cluster Football Tournament Year 6
Year 6 entered a cluster football tournament at Longstone Primary School on September 29th. We entered two teams and competed in the large schools tournament against Baslow and Longstone. Unfortunately neither team managed to get out of their group into the semi-finals, but the B team did manage a goal, scored by Olivia, and both teams had a great time.
A few children also joined in the fun festival and had an excellent time learning new skills and enjoying a friendly tournament with coaches from Buxton University. There was even a visit from Chester, the mascot from Chesterfield FC.
Cluster Cross Country Tournament Year 3-6
Bakewell Methodist Junior School hosted it's first Cluster event for many years on October 6th with 11 local schools converging upon the school to participate in cross country races and coaching games and practices including javelin, relays, long jump, sprint and some speed bounce and agility exercises with Chesterfield Athletics Club. Every inch of the school field and and playground was used to the max and there was a sensational atmosphere all afternoon.
Star Performer was Megan who finished second in the year 3/4 girls race. The year 5/6 girls also put up a good show with Rebecca and Ruby coming in 8th and 9th respectively. Rebecca went on to compete at Ashbourne against girls from across Derbyshire and received a bronze medal as the Bakewell Cluster team was third.
Dodgeball Tournament and Festival Year 3
The girls and boys from year 3 braved a drizzly cold day to test out their dodgeball skills against the rest of the Cluster at Longstone School on November 3rd. Earlier that week the entire school had taken part in an intra-school dodgeball tournament with pupils from each year group playing alongside each other in an afternoon-long event which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. Our organising team of Isabelle, Cleo, Lewis and Max did a super job planning teams, fixtures and rules, then refereeing matches all afternoon.
Back to Longstone and despite competing against year 4s from many schools Bakewell's B team won two games and qualified for a semi-final, only narrowly losing out to the eventual finalists from Bishop Pursglove.
Tag Rugby Tournament and Festival Year 5 & 6
The Cluster Sports came to Bakewell again, this time for Tag Rugby. The sun was shining as we kicked off at 1pm, and Bakewell enjoyed some practice matches and coaching from Extra Time's coaches and Bakewell Mannerians RUFC.
By the time it was time for our group games the heavens had opened and it was blowing a gale and lashing it down but this didn't dampen spirits. Our team narrowly lost 3-2 to Longstone in their first game and again to Bishop Pursglove in their second match.
Water Polo - Year 4
Year 4 have been having swimming lessons at Bakewell Pool since September and have been progressing very well, with everyone achieving new aquatic award levels. Troy Caterall started the term a non-swimmer and is now performing very confidently and has passed Level 3.
Last week we arranged for City Of Sheffield Water Polo club to come and teach our swimmers a few moves. They donned their helmets and had a great time practicing their throwing, swimming without goggles and with their heads out of the water, and of course scoring goals.
Curriculum PE
All year groups have already progressed well in the following activities this year:
Football - developing dribbling, passing and shooting skills and improving tactics in small-sided games
Tag Rugby - working on passing, running with the ball, and moves to out-fox opponents, then developing tactics and teamwork in small-sided matches
Gymnastics - progressing pencil, forward and backward rolls, then six different jumps, and working as groups to perform fluent group sequences showing unison and canon with a clear start and end
Dance - creating group dances inspired by the silent movies of Charlie Chaplin and Strictly Come Dancing's Charleston performances
Play Leaders
A group of year 6s have trained to become sports leaders, learning games, coaching points, how to communicate and how to deal with issues that may arise during sessions. Rebecca, Poppy and Lewis were the first to test their skills on the rest of the school and planned three successful lunch-time coaching sessions in dodgeball, football and basketball. Cleo, Lily, Ruby and Olivia are now in charge and have so far run a fun football session.